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User Experience Research Self-Paced Masterclass
Welcome, Badass UX Leader!
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How to make the most out of this course / Slack Channel (7:50)
The Resources I Personally Used that Laid the Groundwork
Skills you should improve to just make your life easier
TV Shows for UXRs if You're Bored
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Module 1 - Introduction to User Experience Research (UXR)
[GOOGLE SLIDES] Module 1 - Introduction to User Experience Research
Lesson 1: What is UX Research? (6:14)
Lesson 2: Why do UX Research? (4:41)
Lesson 3: Who is a UX Researcher? (3:55)
Lesson 4: Who do UX Researchers Work With? Key Stakeholders (7:48)
Lesson 5: Day in the Life of a UXR (3:46)
Lesson 6: UXR Team Structure (3:50)
Lesson 7: Types of Research (10:43)
Lesson 8: Applying Your Learnings and Build Your Portfolio (9:33)
The Zero to UX Research Assessment - Test Your Knowledge (beta)
ASSIGNMENT: Reading - Did You See the Unicycling Clown?
Module 1.2 - The State of User Experience Research
Lesson 1: The State of UXR
READING: Will ChatGPT Replace UX Researchers? (MeasuringU)
Module 1 Conclusion (0:54)
Module 2 - UX Human Factors Psychology
[SLIDES] Module 2 - Applied Human Factors & UX Psychology
Get Psyched! Introduction to UX Human Factors Psychology (5:18)
Section 2 Lesson 1: Perception Psychology (3:24)
Section 2 Lesson 2: Examples of Preattentive Processing in UX (7:01)
QUIZ: M2 Section 2 Quiz
Section 3 Lesson 1: Learning and Memory - Short term memory (4:23)
VIDEO: User Onboarding for the Long Run - Krystal Higgins
Section 3 Lesson 2: Memory and UX Onboarding (4:55)
Section 3 Lesson 3: Long-Term Memory and Juggling Hot Potatoes (12:01)
QUIZ: M2 Section 3 Quiz
Section 4 Lesson 1: Behavioural Economics (3:21)
Section 4 Lesson 2: Why Behavioural Economics is Important to Product UX Research (5:37)
Section 4 Lesson 3: You Don't Have as Much Control as You Think - Factors Behind Users' Purchasing Decisions (8:11)
QUIZ: M2 Section 4 Quiz
Section 5 Lesson 1: Theories of Human Motivation Behind Meaningful Design (1:42)
Section 5 Lesson 2: Self-Determination Theory - What Motivates Us (3:54)
VIDEO: User Motivation and Product Design ft. Ozge Kantas PhD
Section 5 Lesson 3: Socioemotional Selectivity Theory - How Motivation Evolves Across Our Life-span (4:11)
QUIZ: M2 Section 5 Quiz
Section 6 Lesson 1: Cultural Psychology (2:59)
Section 6 Lesson 2: Hofstede's 6 Cultural Dimensions - Good Starting Point or Stereotyping? (8:09)
RESOURCE: Medium - Cross-Cultural UX Research Resources
Section 6 Lesson 3: The Earth is Upside-Down! Destroy Biases with Cross-Cultural Research Examples (4:21)
Section 6 Lesson 4: Conducting UX Research Internationally + Google Case Study in Singapore (7:01)
Module 2: Conclusion (2:00)
QUIZ: M2 Section 6 Quiz
ASSIGNMENT: Reading - Fortune Favors the Bold (and Italics)
Module 3 - UX Product Management & Business Strategy
[SLIDES] Module 3 - UX Product Management & Business Strategy
Section 1 Lesson 1: Intro to UX Business & Product Strategy (2:08)
VIDEO: Key to Product Strategy - Product Managers and UXR
Section 1 Lesson 2: The Most Important Person in any Business (5:47)
Section 1 Lesson 3: Why Do Companies or Products Fail? (1:58)
Section 1 Lesson 4: What is Product Management? - Speaking the Same Language (4:15)
READ: Atlassian - The Role of a Product Manager
QUIZ: M3 Section 1 Quiz
Section 2 Lesson 1: Speaking the Same Language - Translating UX Insights to Business Impact (4:52)
QUIZ: M3 Section 2 Quiz
Section 3 Lesson 1: KPIs & UX Metrics - Google HEART Framework (7:08)
Section 3 Lesson 2: HEART Metrics | Defining Measurable Goals with Uber Eats example (8:04)
READ: Lagging and Leading KPIs UX - MeasuringU &
Section 3 Lesson 3: Metrics Aren't Everything (2:29)
READ: Campbell's Law
QUIZ: M3 Section 3 Quiz
Section 4 Lesson 1: Why Have a UX Strategy? (3:45)
Section 4 Lesson 2: Strategy is Fluid - Breaking down the Planning Process (with example) (5:55)
Section 4 Lesson 3: Developing a UX Product Strategy - Vision (2:40)
Section 4 Lesson 4: Lean UX Canvas and SWOT Analysis (6:11)
Section 4 Lesson 5: Research and Map out the User Experience (3:32)
Section 4 Lesson 6: Strategic UX Prioritization - Prioritizing Problems (4:34)
Section 4 Lesson 7: Prioritizing Features with Users (3:05)
Section 4 Lesson 8: Prioritizing Features Example: Kano Model (read notes) (7:02)
Section 4 Lesson 9: 3 Levels of Happy Design (9:39)
Section 4 Lesson 10: Recap of the Product UX Strategy Process (2:04)
QUIZ: M3 Section 4 Quiz
Section 5 Lesson 1: Project Management | The Product Roadmap (3:54)
Section 5 Lesson 2: Project Management | The Research Roadmap (5:48)
Section 5 Lesson 3: How to Create a Research Roadmap (7:11)
Section 5 Lesson 4: Do Research Agencies use Roadmaps? (2:41)
Section 5 Lesson 5: Research Roadmap Planning Example (24:53)
Section 5 Lesson 6: Objectives and Key Results - OKR Method (7:07)
Section 5 Lesson 7: Product Development | Product Requirements Document PRD (1:54)
Section 5 Lesson 8: Lean UX vs. Waterfall vs. Agile vs. Scrum vs…. WTF? (3:08)
QUIZ: M3 Section 5 Quiz
Section 6 Lesson 1: What Does a Bird and Train Have in Common? - Innovation & Good Ideas (6:05)
Module 3.2 Competitive Business Strategies and Theories
Section 7 Lesson 1: Competitive Business Strategies and Theories (2:23)
Section 7 Lesson 2: Porter's 5 Forces (6:33)
Section 7 Lesson 3: 7P's of Marketing (2:40)
Section 7 Lesson 4: Game Theory (9:05)
Section 8 Lesson 1: Competitive Business Tactics - Differentiation (2:50)
Section 8 Lesson 2: Lock-in Strategies (8:07)
Section 8 Lesson 3: Price Discrimination (5:20)
READ: A Review of Methods for Measuring Willingness-to-Pay
Section 8 Lesson 4: Network Effects for 2-sided User Products (4:14)
Section 8 Lesson 5 We've Been Fighting for UXR All Wrong - Language and the Blue Ocean Strategy (6:24)
Module 3 Conclusion (2:11)
Module 4.1 - The UX Research Process Mega Module
[SLIDES] Module 4.1 - UXR Process - Kickoff, Defining Objectives
[TEMPLATE] UX Research Study Plan
The User Research Process (3:30)
Lesson 1: The Study Plan / Research Plan (6:01)
BONUS Lesson: Study Plan Tip for Organizing Your Thoughts (8:09)
Lesson 2: How Long Should a Study Plan Take? How Long Should it Be? + SECRET PRO TIP (4:39)
Lesson 3: Real-Life Story of Why the Study Plan is Crucial (3:40)
Lesson 4: Follow-Along UXR Job Interview: Hypothetical Take-Home / Whiteboard Exercise (3:54)
Lesson 5: The FUNdamentals - A Missing Art of Pedagogy (3:07)
Lesson 6: The Kickoff | Dissect the Problems and Define Clear Objectives (7:00)
Lesson 7: The Kickoff Meeting Cheat Sheet (5:15)
Lesson 8: Dissecting Problems...And Solutions! DISSECT THEM ALL! - First Principles Thinking (3:25)
Lesson 9: Assumptions vs. Hypothesis | Why People Jump to Solutions (5:34)
Lesson 10: Building Our Study Plan | Defining Objectives (3:14)
Lesson 11: How to Word Your Objectives + PRO TIP (3:17)
QUIZ: Module 4.1 Quiz
ASSIGNMENT: Kickoff Practice with an AI Stakeholder
Module 4.2 - Operationalizing Research
[SLIDES] Module 4.2 Operationalizing Research
Lesson 1: Operationalizing Your Research (2:18)
Lesson 2: Exercise Prompt - Brain Dumping Questions (4:55)
VIDEO: Carl Sagan - Kids Asking Questions
Lesson 3: HOW Do You Come Up With Research Questions? Work Backwards (4:55)
LISTEN: Awkward Silences - What UXRs Can Learn From Children
Lesson 4: Framework for Formulating Research Questions (2:21)
Lesson 5: Formulate Research Questions: Mitigate Drop-Off Rates (4:14)
Lesson 6: Formulate Research Questions: Increase User Engagement (4:29)
Lesson 7: Milestone Achieved! Recap and Next Steps in the Study Plan (2:43)
QUIZ: Module 4.2 Quiz
Module 4.3 - Planning the Research, Methodology, Sampling
[SLIDES] Module 4.3 Planning UX Research
Lesson 1: Step-by-step Study Planning: Selecting the Right Methods & Participants, and Sample Sizes (0:48)
Lesson 2: Secondary / Desk / Literature Research (8:33)
Lesson 3: Determining the Right Participant Criteria (7:08)
Lesson 4: Sampling Techniques: Purposeful, Convenience, Snowball (4:16)
QUIZ: Participant Sampling Quiz
Lesson 5: Review Answers to Participant Sampling Quiz (7:00)
Lesson 6: Practice Participant Criteria with Hypothetical Prompt (4:04)
Lesson 7: A UX Researcher’s Favorite Topic - SAMPLE SIZE (7:12)
READ: Empirical Sample Size Resources
Lesson 8: Revisit Hypothetical Take-Home Prompt (3:24)
Lesson 9: When to Use Which UX Research Methods (7:50)
Lesson 10: Thinking Through UXR Methods for our Take-Home Prompt (20:58)
Lesson 11: Sample Size for our Hypothetical Take-Home Prompt (8:35)
QUIZ: Module 4.3 Quiz
BONUS: Planning a self-initiated Usability project ( pt. 2 of 5 (46:36)
Module 4.4 - Participant Screeners, Tools, Discussion Guide
[SLIDE] Module 4.4 Participant Screeners, Tools, Discussion Guide
Lesson 1: Participant Screeners, UX Research Tools, and Discussion Guide INTRO (0:38)
Lesson 2: Do's and Don'ts of Participant Screeners (7:28)
Lesson 3: A Simple Hack for Recruiting Participants (3:37)
Lesson 4: Kevin's Real Life Example of a Participant Screener (9:41)
Lesson 5: “What if someone lies on the screener?” Q&A from Masterclass Student (2:20)
Lesson 6: Creating the Screener for take-home Prompt (7:49)
Lesson 7: What Tools to use for UX Research (Paid and Free) (6:28)
Lesson 8: Putting Everything Together: The Discussion Guide (3:38)
Lesson 9: The Intro Script | Building Rapport & Informed Consent (10:07)
Lesson 10: Crafting Discussion Guides for our Hypothetical Prompt (16:47)
BONUS: Watch Kevin Give Feedback on Real Study Plans - Student A (32:38)
BONUS: Watch Kevin Give Feedback on Real Study Plans - Student B (16:26)
BONUS: Watch Kevin Give Feedback on Real Study Plans - Student C (19:39)
BONUS: Watch Kevin Give Feedback on Real Study Plans - Student D (13:25)
QUIZ: Module 4.4 Quiz
Zero to UX Research BYO Self-Initiated Project - DIY
Do-it-Yourself UXR Project - Overview
Suggested Follow-Along Modules for BYO Project
Try UXtweak for Your Project! Use Code: KEVIN10 for 10% off
STEP 0: Select a topic for BYO UXR Project
BONUS: Upgrade Your BYO Project to a Client Project
STEP 1: Draft Your Study Plan
STEP 2: Refine plan, prep materials
STEP 3: Screening & Recruiting Participants
STEP 4: Pilot Your Study
STEP 5: Conduct Your Sessions!
STEP 6: Analyze Your Data
STEP 7: Write-up Results and Recommendations
[TEMPLATES] Study Plan, Note-taking, Report, Trackers, and more
Module 4.5 Recruiting Participants
[SLIDES] Module 4.5 Research Operations - Participant Recruitment & Management
[TEMPLATE] Research Operations - Participant Tracker
Lesson 1: Participant Recruitment Intro (2:06)
Lesson 2: 3 Ways to Recruit Participants | In-house, Vendor, DIY (5:09)
Lesson 3: Research Operations - Where to Recruit + Managing Participant Databases / Panels (3:59)
Lesson 4: 7 Tips for Recruiting B2B Participants (8:21)
READ: Make Sure You Don't Annoy Participants
Lesson 5: Research Operations - Sample Email Templates for Reaching out to Participants (4:18)
READ: Don't Annoy Your Participants!
Lesson 6: Study Incentives | What to Compensate your Participants (2:47)
Lesson 7: What if you don’t know who to recruit? How do you know if you chose the wrong target? What if you have trouble finding participants? Q&A (5:52)
Lesson 8: Not Allowed to Speak with Customers??? (3:29)
Lesson 9: Your Last Name is Incorrect | What Happens When you Ignore Diversity and Inclusion in your Recruit (3:16)
Accessibility (A11Y) and Inclusive Design in User Research by Becca Carne
Lesson 10: Conclusion to Research Operations & Participant Recruitment (1:07)
QUIZ: Module 4.5 Quiz
Module 4.6 Preparing to Conduct UX Research, Pilot, Note-taking, Checklist
[SLIDES] Module 4.6 Preparing to Conduct UX Research - Pilot & Note-taking Setup
[TEMPLATE] Note-taking Spreadsheet
Lesson 1: Conducting Research, Note-taking, Art of Listening, and Moderating (1:07)
Lesson 2: BEFORE the Study pt. 1 | Pre-study checklist and Testing Prototypes (9:28)
Lesson 3: BEFORE the Study pt. 2 | Setting Expectations With Stakeholders / Observers (4:15)
Lesson 4: BEFORE the Study pt. 3 | Pilot Your Study & The Final Countdown (6:36)
Lesson 5: BEFORE the Study pt. 4 | Setting up your Lab Space (physical and virtual) (3:38)
Lesson 6: Badass Note-Taking Tips That Make Your Analysis (and Life) Easier (6:58)
Lesson 7: How to Prepare Your Note-Taking Template Like a Boss (6:47)
Lesson 8: Rainbow Spreadsheet for Tracking Observations (4:39)
Lesson 9: Note-taking for Field Research (2:34)
Lesson 10: How Much Domain Knowledge Do I need? Student Q&A (4:09)
QUIZ: Module 4.6 Quiz
Module 4.7 The Art of Moderating User Sessions
[SLIDES] Module 4.7 Conducting, moderating mistakes, art of probing, and how to wrap up a session
Lesson 1: DURING the Study | Setting the Stage (3:32)
Lesson 2: DURING the Study | Set Yourself Up for Moderating Success (7:40)
Lesson 3: DURING the Study | The Art of Probing & Asking Good Questions with Example (11:56)
VIDEO: Why Do We Ask Question? TEDxVienna with Michael Stevens
Lesson 4: DURING the Study| Good vs. Bad Questions to Use (12:49)
Lesson 5: DURING the Study | People, Not Participants - A Note About Language (2:40)
Lesson 6: DURING the Study | Handling Tough Situations Quiz (6:04)
Lesson 7: DURING the Study | Handling Tough Participant Situations and Biases (10:49)
READING: What if Your Participant Starts Crying? Handling Emotional Situations
VIDEO: Cringe Video of Awkward Interview
Lesson 8: How to Politely Interrupt Chatty Participants (3:57)
Lesson 9: When Should We Help Participants in a Usability Test? (4:38)
Lesson 10: Should We Ask Scale Questions When Participants Fail Part of a Task? (6:40)
Lesson 11: DURING the Study | Mitigate Moderating Mistakes (17:47)
Lesson 12: DURING the Study | Avoiding Experimenter Effects (6:02)
Lesson 13: How Many Sessions Should I Do Per day? (2:42)
Lesson 14: How to not be nervous? Tips for Mentally Preparing for Sessions…from an Awkward Introvert (3:02)
Lesson 15: DURING the Study | UX Leadership 101 - Involving Stakeholders (2:47)
Lesson 16: Observers Gone Wild; How to Handle Random Scenarios ANSWERS (3:43)
Lesson 17: AFTER the Study | What To Do After You Finish a Session (3:46)
Lesson 18: AFTER the Study | Handling Late Participants or No-Shows (4:55)
Lesson 19: AFTER the Study | Kevin's SECRET CONTROVERSIAL PRO TIP (2:54)
QUIZ: Module 4.7 Quiz
BONUS: Kevin conducts a remote usability test FULL ( Pt. 3 of 5 (31:13)
Module 4.8 - UX Qualitative Data Analysis & Synthesis
[SLIDES] Module 4.8 Data Synthesis and Analysis
Lesson 1: Qualitative Data Analysis & Synthesis Intro (0:57)
Lesson 2: Findings Are Not Insights! Introduction to Data Analysis (4:27)
Lesson 3: UX Research Deliverables - Personas are Meh. Use Archetypes (11:33)
READ: Why We Should Stop Using Pictures for Personas
Lesson 4: UX Research Deliverables - Empathy Maps are Redundant (2:49)
Lesson 5: UX Research Deliverables - User Journey Map (10:19)
Lesson 6: UX Research Deliverables - The Research Report / Deck / Presentation + BONUS STORY (7:05)
Lesson 7: Qualitative Data Analysis (QDA) Techniques (4:20)
Lesson 8: Thematic Analysis: Affinity Mapping vs. Grounded Theory Approach (12:51)
Lesson 9: Coding Qualitative Data - What do we Code Exactly? (3:50)
Lesson 10: Is there a "correct" result to analysis? (2:57)
Lesson 11: Practice Inductive Data Coding (8:26)
Lesson 12: Practice Affinity Mapping (9:02)
ASSIGNMENT: Lesson 12 Practice Affinity Mapping - Raw Data Spreadsheet
Lesson 13: Segmentation 101 (3:45)
Lesson 14: What do Kung Fu and Analysis Paralysis Have in Common? - How to Stop Worrying & Just Dive In (3:46)
Lesson 15: AI for UXR Analysis (4:09)
Lesson 16: 6 Quick Tips and Tricks with ChatGPT/Gemini (2:35)
Lesson 17: ChatGPT/Gemini Analysis Example with Sample Prompt (8:32)
Lesson 18: Miro AI vs. Human Analysis - Example (12:09)
ASSIGNMENT: Data Analysis - Dummy Data for Lesson 17 and 18
QUIZ: Module 4.8 Quiz
Live cohort recording of great questions on analysis and stakeholder engagement (23:20)
Module 4.8 BONUS - 5 Biases That Will Ruin Your Analysis
[SLIDES] Module 4.8 Avoiding Biases
Lesson 19: 5 Biases That Will Ruin Your Analysis (1:17)
BONUS: What comes next in this sequence?
Lesson 20: When Nicolas Cage Appears in Movies, People Drown in Pools - Correlation ≠ Causation (4:46)
Lesson 21: Get Stakeholders to Take Action by Framing (5:52)
Lesson 22: Availability Bias & Anchoring (2:54)
Lesson 23: Confirmation & Disconfirmation Bias (5:16)
Lesson 24: The Curse of Knowledge (4:01)
Lesson 25: Survivorship Bias - Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence
Module 4.9 - Presenting & Communicating Insights
[SLIDES] Module 4.9 Presenting & Communicating UX Insights
[TEMPLATE] Research Report Template / Presentation Deck Template
[TEMPLATE] Report Format - Usability Tracker Speadsheet
Lesson 1: Presenting Insights & Inspiring Action (2:31)
VIDEO: How NOT to Present Your Findings - Shark Tank Fail
Lesson 2: How NOT to Present Your Findings- Shark Tank Fail Analysis (4:15)
Lesson 3: Learning Lessons from Kevin’s Early Days (3:36)
Lesson 4: What to do BEFORE Your Presentation (2:51)
BONUS: "Do You Ever Get Nervous, Kevin?" How to Anticipate Questions During a Readout - Student Q&A (3:13)
Lesson 5: What to Expect DURING a Presentation (3:56)
Lesson 6: Know Your Audience - Best Practices for Presenting and Inspiring Action (10:42)
Lesson 7: How to Write an Executive Summary aka Key Findings & Recommendations (14:09)
Lesson 8: Creatives Ways to Present Research (9:46)
Lesson 9: WATCH THIS: Student Question: When to Use Which Report Format? What if you Democratized Research? (12:24)
Lesson 10: The Time I Had to Switch Report Formats (3:50)
Lesson 11: How to Bring your Research to Life - Data Visualizations (10:33)
Lesson 12: 3 of 6? 50%? Half? - How to Report Small Sample Sizes (9:00)
Lesson 13: How to Handle Outliers (3:24)
Lesson 14: 2 Months & Only 2 Participants? Reporting EVEN Smaller Sample Sizes in B2B Research (5:31)
QUIZ: Module 4.9 Quiz
ASSIGNMENT 1: BORING Text to FABULOUS Slides - Data Visualization
ASSIGNMENT 1: Boring Text to Fabulous Slides ANSWERS
Module 4.10 - Inspiring Action, Product Recommendations
[SLIDES] Module 4.10 Inspiring Action, Product Recommendations, Storytelling
Lesson 1: Inspiring Action | The Good, Bad, and Ugly of Product Recommendations (7:24)
Lesson 2: Practice Exercises with Good and Bad Recommendations (7:38)
Lesson 3: How Might We’s - Ideating with your Team (6:37)
Lesson 4: Be a Better Storyteller pt. 1 - SHARP Method & The Hero’s Journey (6:18)
Lesson 5: Read Stakeholders' Minds (3:44)
Lesson 6: What Truck Drivers & Physiology Have in Common? - Leveraging Metaphors to Extend Meaning (5:06)
Lesson 7: Using Contrast to Intensify, Inspire, and Intimidate (4:08)
Lesson 8: What to do AFTER a Presentation - Stay Proactive! (3:36)
QUIZ: Module 4.10 Quiz
Module 4.11 - Design Sprints
[SLIDES] Module 4.11 Design Sprints
Lesson 1: Design Sprints - What are Design Sprints? Why do Them? (8:34)
Lesson 2: When to Run Design Sprints (2:36)
Lesson 3: When NOT to Run Sprints (5:03)
Lesson 4: WHO Runs a Design Sprint? Who is Involved? (4:22)
Lesson 5: How to Run a Design Sprint (23:35)
Module 5 - Experimental Design
[SLIDES] Module 5 - Experimental Design
Lesson 1: Introduction to Experimental Design (2:21)
Lesson 2: Independent (IV) vs. Dependent (DV) Variables (4:20)
Lesson 3: Control vs. Treatment, Pre-test and Post-test (7:08)
Lesson 4: Between vs. Within-Subjects Design (9:47)
Lesson 5: Counterbalancing & Randomization (7:46)
Lesson 6: Practical Example of Counterbalancing & Randomization + UX Research Life Lesson (6:51)
Lesson 7: Q&A Will Showing Prototypes Bias Participants? (1:16)
Lesson 8: Monadic vs. Sequential Monadic vs. Protomonadic (2:31)
Lesson 9: To Think-Aloud or not to Think-Aloud? Concurrent vs. Retrospective TA (4:03)
Lesson 10: Conclusion & Experimental Design Practice Quiz and Exercise (6:21)
QUIZ: Module 5 Experimental Design Quiz
BONUS: Know When to Make Tradeoffs - Sacrificing Validity to Make Business Decisions
ASSIGNMENT: Experimental Design Exercise
Sample Answer to Module 5 Experimental Design Assignment
Module 6 - Research and Participant Ethics
[SLIDES] Module 6 - Research & Participant Ethics, UXR Code of Conduct
Section 1 Lesson 1: The Dark Side of Research - History of Research Ethics (4:13)
Section 1 Lesson 2: The Belmont Report - Researcher Code of Conduct (3:32)
Section 1 Lesson 3: Who Enforces UX Research Ethics? (2:00)
Section 1 Lesson 4: The Institutional Review Board (IRB) with Dr. Jeff DuBois (15:23)
Section 1 Lesson 5: “We’ve Made Changes to our Privacy Policy” - GDPR (3:33)
Section 1 Lesson 6: Informed Consent - Be a Good Human Being (6:19)
Section 1 Lesson 7: NDAs vs. Informed Consent (1:39)
Section 1 Lesson 8: Do You Need Informed Consent If It’s a Casual Conversation? (5:08)
Section 1 Lesson 9: What if a Participant Pulls Out a Switchblade? Protecting Yourself (3:26)
Section 1 Lesson 10: Parachutes Don’t Work! - Ground Rules for Ethical and Accurate Research (4:44)
Can a Tesla Cybertruck Really Beat a Porsche...while towing a Porsche? - Misleading Customers
QUIZ: Module 6.1 Quiz
Section 2 Lesson 1: Special Topics 1 - AI and Ethics, Misuse and Abuse (7:45)
Section 2 Lesson 2: Special Topics 2 - Deceptive Patterns & The Attention Economy (5:27)
Module 7 - Qualitative UX Research Methods
[SLIDES] Module 7 - Intro to Qualitative UXR Methods
RESOURCE: UX Research Methods 1-Pagers
Introduction to Module 7 - Qualitative Research Methods (2:01)
Lesson 1: What is Secondary Research? When and when not to do it (4:46)
Lesson 2: How to Conduct Secondary Research (8:34)
Lesson 3: Heuristic Evaluation (1:03)
QUIZ: Secondary Research
Module 7 Section 2 - Usability Testing Pro Techniques
[SLIDES] Module 7.2 Usability Testing
Lesson 1: What is Usability Testing? (5:37)
Lesson 2: Sampling and sample size for usability testing (4:40)
Lesson 3: How to Write Usability Tasks (6:30)
Lesson 4: Usability task writing exercise walkthrough (5:57)
Lesson 4: EXERCISE - Usability Task Writing Walkthrough (5:57)
Lesson 5: Avoid functional fixedness when writing tasks (2:45)
Lesson 6: Usability testing tools (2:52)
Lesson 7: Remove vs. In-person, Moderated vs. Unmoderated (8:22)
Lesson 8: Types of usability (5:23)
Lesson 9: RITE, guerrilla testing (4:47)
BONUS: Unique Challenges You'll Only Encounter With Guerrilla Testing
Lesson 10: Quantitative Usability testing (6:56)
Lesson 11: How to Report Usability Results (8:38)
Lesson 12: KLM & GOMS (4:48)
QUIZ: Usability Testing
Module 7 Section 3 - Card Sorting
[SLIDES] Module 7.3 Card Sorting & Information Architecture
Lesson 1: What is Card Sorting? (3:50)
Lesson 2: How to Conduct Moderated or Unmoderated Card Sorts - Sample Sizes (5:34)
Lesson 3: Card Sort Cluster Analysis with software (4:04)
Lesson 4: Nobody Talks About How to Analyze a Card Sort by HAND!? (6:39)
Lesson 5: Delphi Card Sort Variation (3:27)
Lesson 6: Delphi Card Sort Experiment - More or Less Effective? (2:45)
Lesson 7: Tree Test and Click Test (with example) (4:28)
QUIZ: Card Sort
ASSIGNMENT: Card Sort Analysis with Dummy Data
Module 7 Section 4 - Field Methods
[SLIDES] Module 7.4 Field Methods & Contextual Inquiry
Lesson 1: Introduction to Field Methodology - We Are NOT Ethnographers! (5:35)
Lesson 2: Contextual Inquiry pt. 1: Defining Learning Objectives with Contextual Design Principles (4:31)
Lesson 3: Contextual Inquiry pt 2: How to Select Participant Criteria and Location + Bonus Recruiting Outreach Script (4:13)
Lesson 4: Contextual Inquiry pt 3: A Logistical Day in the Life (7:57)
Lesson 5: Can I Use Your Restroom? Ground Rules for Conducting Field Research (2:38)
Lesson 6: Contextual Inquiry pt 4: How to Conduct (4:33)
Lesson 7: Contextual Inquiry pt 5: Debrief and Analysis (7:54)
QUIZ: Contextual Inquiry
Module 7 Section 5 - Can't Go Into the Field? Diary Studies
[SLIDES] Module 7.5 Diary Studies
Lesson 1: Why Diary Studies Are My Favorite Method (6:42)
Lesson 2: Diary Study Variations - The Most Creative Canvas for Study Design (3:52)
Lesson 3: Uber Freight Diary Case Study (8:48)
Lesson 3 BONUS: Uber Freight Case Study (Live Masterclass) (26:39)
Lesson 4: Google Diary Case Study (13:41)
Lesson 5: Diary Study Tools (2:32)
Lesson 6: How to Keep Participants Engaged (3:07)
Lesson 7: How to Analyze Diary Studies (4:51)
QUIZ: Diary Studies
Module 7 Section 6 - Focus Groups
[SLIDES] Module 7.6 Focus Groups
Lesson 1: The Method UXRs Love to Hate - Focus Groups - Are They Really That Bad? (5:59)
Lesson 2: Real Examples of Focus Groups | Combining Methods and Participatory Design (6:26)
Lesson 3: Focus Groups I've Conducted - Times They Worked Well and Times They Didn't (4:27)
Lesson 4: Hip or Skip? The Verdict on Focus Groups (1:45)
Lesson 5: One More Variation - The "Around the World / Speed Dating" Setup (14:19)
QUIZ: Focus Groups
Module 7 Conclusion to Qualitative Methods
Conclusion to Qualitative Methods (1:41)
Module 8 - UX Survey Methodology
[SLIDES] Module 8 - Survey Methodology
Introduction to Surveys - The Most Abused, but Powerful, Methodology (3:35)
Section 1 Lesson 1: Write Your First Survey Question (4:43)
Section 2 Lesson 1: How One Mistake Can Mislead You - Top 10 Survey Mistakes to Avoid (8:04)
Section 3 Lesson 1: Linguistic Relativity - Words You Use Can Shape How People Think (About Your Survey) (2:43)
VIDEO: Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis - Lera Boroditsky TED Talk
Section 3 Lesson 2: You Have a Way With Words - How to Create Your Own Scale (5:00)
Section 4 Lesson 1: Bipolar vs. Unipolar Scales | How many points to have? 5, 7, 100?? (4:40)
Section 4 Lesson 2: How Constructs Can Be Tricky - Latent Variables (3:12)
READ: Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence - Carl Sagan, Wikipedia
Section 5 Lesson 1: Likert Scales and Transformations (3:43)
Section 6 Lesson 1: Question Order (3:07)
RESOURCE: Dummy Survey dataset for M8.1 Section 7 - Survey Analysis
Section 7 Lesson 1: Survey Analysis (6:42)
Section 7 BONUS: THIS IS GOLD - Survey Analysis Workshop from Live Masterclass (54:07)
Section 7 Lesson 2: Cross-Tabulation (Cross-tabs) Example (12:33)
Section 7 Lesson 3: Hungry for Survey Visualization - Google Sheets (3:32)
QUIZ: Module 8.1-8.7 Quiz
Module 8.2 - Types of Surveys, Survey Instruments & Measures, Quantitative Research Methods
[SLIDES] Module 8.2 Types of Surveys, Instruments and Scales
Section 8 Lesson 1: 6 Types of Surveys (4:33)
Section 8 Lesson 2: MaxDiff Surveys - Best-Worst Scaling (6:33)
Section 8 Lesson 3: MaxDiff Analysis (5:08)
Section 8 Lesson 4: Conjoint Analysis - Choice-based Conjoint (4:13)
VIDEO: 600 Conjoint Analysis in Excel and R
Section 8 Lesson 5: Kano Survey (3:48)
READ: How Hard Is It to Rank Items in Surveys? - MeasuringU
Section 8 Lesson 6: How Much Will Users Pay for This? Willingness-to-pay (7:21)
Section 8 Lesson 7: True Intent / Intercept Surveys (3:57)
QUIZ: Module 8.2 Section 8 Quiz
Section 9 Lesson 1: Common UX Survey Instruments and Measures (3:17)
Section 9 Lesson 2: Post-Study Measures (3:04)
Section 9 Lesson 3: Post-Task Measures (5:03)
Section 9 Lesson 4: Wait! Nothing Exists For What I Want to Measure! (1:39)
QUIZ: Module 8.2 Section 9 Quiz
Section 10 Lesson 1: Quantitative Research Methods (4:28)
Module 9 - Quantitative Methods & Statistics for Qualitative People
[SLIDES] Module 9 Statistical Analysis for Qualitative People
Section 1 Lesson 1: Intro to Quantitative and Statistical Analysis (3:41)
Section 1 Lesson 2: What You Can and Cannot Do With Data (4:52)
Section 2 Lesson 1: The Easy Stuff - Descriptive Statistics (2:22)
ASSIGNMENT: Descriptive Statistics Exercise
Section 3 Lesson 1: The Slightly Less Easy Stuff - Inferential Statistics (3:49)
READ: Types of Statistical Tests - Statsols
Section 3 Lesson 2: Preparing Your Google Sheets with XLMiner Analysis ToolPak (3:04)
Section 4 Lesson 1: Calculating Confidence Intervals (8:31)
ASSIGNMENT: Confidence Intervals
Section 4 Lesson 2: Confidence Interval Practice Exercise Solution (9:12)
Section 4 Lesson 3: Pro Tip for Reading Error Bars on Graphs (1:23)
QUIZ: Module Sections 1-4 Quiz
Section 5 Lesson 1: Tale of Two T’s - The T-Test (4:34)
Section 5 Lesson 2: The T-Test Function in Google Sheets (11:49)
Section 5 Lesson 3: Removing Outliers for Our T-Test (3:09)
Section 5 Lesson 4: HELP! Can I Do a T-Test if My Sample Sizes Were Different? (2:19)
Section 5 Lesson 5: One-Samples T-Test (3:23)
Section 5 Lesson 6: The Case for Always Using Welch’s T-test over the Student’s T-test for Unpaired Samples (2:57)
QUIZ: Module 9 Section 5 T-Test Quiz
Section 6 Lesson 1: Analysis of Variance - ANOVA (2:19)
Section 6 Lesson 2: ANOVA in Google Sheets Exercise UX Example (8:05)
Section 6 Lesson 3: The Tukey HSD - An ANOVA Post-hoc Test (10:25)
Section 6 Lesson 4: Multiple T-Tests or ANOVA? Q&A (1:51)
QUIZ: Module 9 Section 6 ANOVA Quiz
ASSIGNMENT: ANOVA practice - Tukey
Section 7 Lesson 1: Correlation (4:16)
Section 7 Lesson 2: Pearson Correlation (15:22)
Section 7 Lesson 3: Spearman Rank Correlation (9:49)
Section 8 Lesson 1: Linear Regression (4:14)
Section 8 Lesson 2: Linear Regression - Best Fit Line (5:45)
Section 8 Lesson 3: How to Find the Best Fit Line by Hand (2:19)
Section 8 Lesson 4: Confidence Interval for Linear Regression (4:35)
QUIZ: Module 9 Section 7-8 Correlation and Regression Quiz
Module 10 - Tracking & Achieving UXR Impact Like a Pro
[SLIDES] Module 10 - Tracking & Achieving High UXR Impact Like a Pro
Introduction to Tracking Product and UX Research Impact (3:52)
Section 2 Lesson 1: 5 Steps to Measure UX Impact: It’s Not All About Numbers! (5:39)
Section 2 Lesson 2: Track This: Product Strategic Impact (3:24)
Section 2 Lesson 3: Track This: Organizational Impact (2:48)
Section 2 Lesson 4: Track This: Operational UXR Impact - Elevating the UXR Practice (3:20)
Section 2 Lesson 5: Track This: Personal Badass Impact (1:43)
QUIZ: Section 2 Quiz
Section 3 Lesson 1: When Research Isn’t Impactful | How to Ensure a Project is Impactful Before You Even Do It (2:40)
Section 3 Lesson 2: Prioritizing UX Research by Operationalizing (5:13)
Section 3 Lesson 3: Filter Ninja Requests with a Research Intake Process (6:52)
Section 3 Lesson 4: Scope Creep is Not a Bad Thing! (4:24)
Section 3 Lesson 5: Impact Takes Time (3:04)
Section 3 Lesson 6: When Stakeholders Forget UX Research (3:29)
QUIZ: Section 3 Quiz
Module 10 Conclusion: Mindset for Achieving High Impact (4:07)
Module 11 - Scaling the UXR Practice, Intrapreneurship
[SLIDES] Module 11: Scaling the UXR Practice, Intrapreneurship
Section 1 Lesson 1: How to Say "No" Without Saying "No" (3:41)
READ: When to Say No to Research
QUIZ: Section 1 Quiz
Section 2 Lesson 1: 5 Ways to Scale Your UX Research Practice (2:13)
Section 2 Lesson 2: Scale UX Research with: Consultations (3:33)
Section 2 Lesson 3: Scale UX Research with: Enablement aka Democratization (4:20)
Section 2 Lesson 4: Undemocratizing User Research (3:40)
Section 2 Lesson 5: You Democratized. Now Who Does the Analysis? (7:03)
Section 2 Lesson 6: Scale UX Research with: Trainings and Workshops (4:19)
Section 2 Lesson 7: Scale UX Research with: Rapid / Rolling Research (7:08)
Section 2 Lesson 8: "Rolling Research is for the Privileged and Few" (6:22)
Section 2 Lesson 9: Scale UX Research with: Socialize and Evangelize (4:39)
QUIZ: Section 2 Scaling UXR Quiz
Section 3 Lesson 1: Research Death Cycle. How Tactical Research Won’t Spark (5:42)
Section 3 Lesson 2: Research Death Cycle. The Problem With Being Metrics-Obsessed (2:50)
Section 3 Lesson 3: Escape the Reactive and Enter the Proactive (4:36)
VIDEO: Escape the Research Death Cycle - Zero to UX Kevin Liang
BONUS: UXR Life Curveballs | Sh*t Happens, How to Deal With It EXERCISES (16:19)
BONUS: UXR Life Curveballs | ANSWERS (23:47)
Module 12 - UXR Leadership & Influence
[SLIDES] Module 12 UXR Leadership & Management, Gaining Influence as a Leader
Section 1 Lesson 1: The Makings of a Leader (4:08)
VIDEO: The First Follower - Leadership Lessons From Dancing Guy
Section 1 Lesson 2: Theories of Leadership - Are Leaders Born or Made? (3:33)
Section 1 Lesson 3: Transformational Leadership - We Are Badass UX Leaders (3:29)
Section 1 Lesson 4: Servant Leadership - UX Researchers (2:55)
VIDEO: How to Lead with the Heart - Liz Theophille TEDxSaclay
Section 1 Lesson 5: Quiet Influence - An Introvert's Note on Leadership (4:03)
VIDEO: The Power of Introverts | Susan Cain TED Talk
QUIZ: Section 1 Makings of a Leader Quiz
Section 2 Lesson 1: Daniel Goleman’s 6 Styles of Leadership (2:21)
Section 2 Lesson 2: Affiliative Leadership - Let’s All Work Together Through This (4:12)
Section 2 Lesson 3: Visionary Leadership - Come With Me (4:17)
Section 2 Lesson 4: Democratic Leadership - “What do you think?” (4:54)
Section 2 Lesson 5: Coaching - My Most Challenging Experience (4:58)
Section 2 Lesson 6: Commanding / Coercive Leadership - Once Upon a Time… (7:15)
Section 2 Lesson 7: Pace-Setting Leadership - “Got it? Ok, Go Get it Done” (2:28)
QUIZ: Section 2 Goleman's Leadership Styles Quiz
Section 3 Lesson 1: How Leadership & Management Are Alike…and Oh So Different (1:41)
Section 3 Lesson 2: The Boss Who Almost Made Me Quit UXR (8:32)
Section 3 Lesson 3: Being a Good UXR Does Not Mean a Good Manager (2:35)
Section 3 Lesson 4: Mentorship + Management Go Hand in Hand (5:56)
READ: The Emperor's New Clothes - Leadership Lessons
QUIZ: Section 3 Leadership vs. Management Quiz
Section 4 Lesson 1: Exercising Influence (2:29)
Section 4 Lesson 2: Emotional Intelligence and Empathy (2:24)
Section 4 Lesson 3: Are You Manipulating, Persuading, or Influencing? (3:45)
Section 4 Lesson 4: How to Gain Influence (4:01)
Section 4 Lesson 5: “Kevin, You Look Like You’re 12!” - Ageism and How to be Taken Seriously as a Leader (4:50)
QUIZ: Section 4 UXR Influence Quiz
Section 5 Lesson 1: Darth Vader & Cialdini’s Principles of Persuasion (4:54)
Section 5 Lesson 2: Applying Persuasion Principles at Work (2:54)
Section 5 Lesson 3: How Ben Franklin Befriended a Rival with Cognitive Dissonance (2:43)
Section 5 Lesson 4: Stakeholders Are Not Listening - What do you Do? (5:51)
Section 5 Lesson 5: Research is Easy; People are Hard. Tips for When People Won’t Cooperate (6:13)
Section 5 Lesson 6: Real Case Study with a $300B Client & Live Masterclass (9:02)
Module 12 UX Leadership and Influence Conclusion (1:04)
QUIZ: Section 5 Principles of Persuasion QUIZ
ASSIGNMENT: READ: Leadership Articles
ASSIGNMENT: 360 Self-Evaluation - Where Do You Want to Be?
Module 13 - The Language of Leaders - UXR Communication, Conflict Resolution, Public Speaking
[SLIDES] Module 13: Be a Badass Communicator, Resolve Conflicts, and Give & Receive Genuine Feedback
The Language of Leaders | Introduction to Communication (4:05)
MATERIAL: Books about Difficult Conversations
Causes of Miscommunication (3:51)
Section 3 Lesson 1: The 4 Communication Styles…and Who You Might Butt Heads With (5:00)
RESOURCE: How Good Are Your Communication Skills? MindTools
Section 3 Lesson 2: Tony Stark's Iron Man - Direct Style (3:14)
Section 3 Lesson 3: Dug - Spirited Style (2:58)
Section 3 Lesson 4: Lisa Simpson - Considerate Style (3:18)
Section 3 Lesson 5: Spock - Systematic Style (2:36)
Section 3 Lesson 6: The Time I Butted Heads with Another UXR - Differences in Communication (4:25)
QUIZ Section 3 Communication Styles Quiz
Section 4 Lesson 1: How to Work With [YOUR NAME]: Creating Your Own User Manual (6:39)
ASSIGNMENT: Create Your User Manual
Section 5 Lesson 1: The Martial Art of Harmony Aikido 合氣道 and Conflict Resolution (5:54)
VIDEO: Turn a Hard Conversation into a "Carefrontation" - Oprah Winfrey Show
Section 5 Lesson 2: Do’s and Don’ts of Conflict Resolution (6:57)
Section 5 Lesson 3: “Carefronting” Someone - Initiating the Resolution (2:23)
Section 5 Lesson 4: Alex and Karen and other Example Cases (4:20)
Section 5 Lesson 5: EXPECT Resistance (3:01)
VIDEO: Stakeholder DISAGREES, and You Say....| Zero to UX + Sample Answer
READ: Your Boss has a Favorite...And It's Not You
QUIZ: Section 5 Conflict Resolution Quiz
Section 6 Lesson 1: Art of Sincere Feedback (2:20)
Section 6 Lesson 2: How to Give Feedback - 4 Step Formula (7:53)
Section 6 Lesson 3: "No, YOU Should've Done This!" - Giving Feedback when Someone is Defensive (5:25)
READ: The #1 Block to Teamwork is Defensiveness. Here's How to Defuse It
Section 6 Lesson 4: Advice vs Feedback vs Critique - How to Be a Better Feedback Giver (2:12)
QUIZ: Section 6 Feedback Quiz
Section 7 Lesson 1: From Crippling Fear of Public Speaking to Receiving Compliments (2:57)
Section 7 Lesson 2: Components of Cogent Communication - Speaking Skills (4:57)
Section 7 Lesson 3: Vocabulary to Add and Remove to be a Badass UX Leader (4:52)
Section 7 Lesson 4: I Said “Shit” During a Live UX Conference (3:17)
Section 7 Lesson 5: Storytelling Tips for Clarity (4:13)
Section 7 Lesson 6: Exercises to Improve Speaking Skills (6:21)
Section 7 Lesson 7: Watch…then Do or Do Not: There is No Try (5:05)
QUIZ: Module 13 Communication and Miscommunication Quiz
References, Credits
Music used in the videos
Books, Videos, & Podcasts
BONUS: Behind the Scenes of the Zero to UX Research Masterclass
The Most Difficult Part of Creating a UX Research Course
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Section 4 Lesson 2: Strategy is Fluid - Breaking down the Planning Process (with example)
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