TV Shows for UXRs if You're Bored
Let's say you're taking a break from learning UX Research.
You're looking for a new show to watch where you can relax, but also get a feel for being a better researcher, without thinking about UX all the time.
Here are some fun shows to consider!
"Mind Field" by Michael Stevens (Vsauce) on YouTube - a YouTube mini-series about different psychological concepts, and Vsauce does an amazing job setting up experiments to delve deeper into the psychology of humans!
Watch for:
- Presentation styles/ communication of concepts
- Experimental design, how he sets up the studies to collect data
- Summarizing concepts into key takeaways
"100 Humans" on Netflix (unsure if it can be accessed everywhere) - similar show to Mind Field, a series about testing and learning more about humans, from emotions, to beliefs, to unconscious biases. Fun show and well done!
Watch for:
- Presentation styles/ communication of concepts
- Experimental design, how they set up studies to collect data
"Silicon Valley" on HBO (TV-MA rating for profanity, violence, drugs, sexual references) - OK this one is different but I don't know of a better show that captures the essence of the tech world in a funny, satirical, kind of way.
The show follows a group of startup engineers building out their product and scale it to the world. Along the way, there are lots of hilarious references to the Silicon Valley tech world. UX Researchers are not portrayed here, but you can learn a few lessons about why research would be super important.
There are scenes with a focus group moderator that I think is hilarious, although they don't really emphasize UX at all.
Watch for:
- Tech related lingo (e.g. sprints, scrum, agile development etc...)
- Relationships with product / engineering
- When user research could be used
"Hotel Hell" or "Kitchen Nightmares" (FOX Broadcasting) - You're probably familiar with Gordon Ramsay for his fiery temper when met with difficult persons.
Y'all, I'm going to say it here first...
Gordon Ramsay is a bona-fide service design leader!
I think these two shows are BRILLIANT because, yes, you're watching Gordon Ramsay much like you're probably watching ice hockey; for the fights.
BUT actually Gordon shows a masterclass in exhibiting different leadership styles at the right times, starting with understanding the context, identifying the problems, and implementing solutions with PEOPLE and SERVICES.
- He interviews the business owners, employees, and patrons, to learn more about them (internal and external participants)
- He conducts ethnographic contextual inquiry by observing and immersing himself in the business to get a feel for the customer experience, and immediately asking why the owners do what they do
- While he doesn't really document his findings on paper or Miro boards, Gordon is mapping the service blueprint and customer journeys
- Based on what he learns, he relays that back to the stakeholders and see what they do.
You see, we all think Gordon Ramsay likes to blow up for no reason. But that's not true. When you watch the show, you can tell he truly attempts to understand the rationale for the businesses first. He never actually blows up right away. Only when stakeholders do dumb things, like not listen to his recommendations.
"OK Yeah. But maybe he shouldn't blow up at all."
I knowwww I don't advocate for blowing up on people, but that's what makes the show fun :D Sooo yeah, try not to do that as a badass UX leader.
--> In module 12, we learn more about different Leadership styles and what it means to be a leader. Gordon Ramsay is wonderful at taking on different leadership styles at different times, a true chameleon, which sometimes is extremely difficult, given that we all have a dominant leadership style. I recommend watching this show AFTER you've gone through Module 12, you'll appreciate his leadership style better.
Watch for:
- Service Design UX research methods
- Leadership styles
- Stakeholder management and relations
- Inspiring teams, and giving/receiving feedback
"Nathan For You" - Comedy Central - Hilarious, cringey, satirical/sarcastic comedy show about a business major who attempts to solve service issues with small businesses. He has really good grades LOL.
With his extreme deadpan humor, sometimes you can't even tell if he's serious or if he's acting, but it's all hilarious. HOWEVER, since it's a comedy, this show isn't exactly educational, but satirical.
Nathan implements the dumbest solutions to solve trivial issues, and sometimes needs to fabricate new solutions to new problems that he's created.
I think it's great to watch how sometimes stakeholders with a "one-track mind" can lead a business astray.
Watch for:
- How NOT to solve problems! This is the OPPOSITE of how to solve service design and business issues.
- A staunch "narrow-minded" solution to trivial problems, and building fluff on top of that solution to solve more issues that shouldn't exist.
- How he never asks questions to the owners, just implements his ideas right away.
- How YOU might approach things differently.
Any other shows you think UX Researchers should watch? Comment below! Mad love.
P.S. some badass UX leaders recommend: The Social Dilemma, Mindhunters
-- Kevin Liang