Lesson 1: The Study Plan / Research Plan


  1. Fancy study plan templates
  2. Generative AI for creating study plans

1. Hey, Kevin here. Forgot to mention in the video, but there are a lot of fancy templates online that are colorful and nice.

Those are great for posting on social media, but aren't easily accessible, shareable, or practical with your stakeholders.

Trust me, I've tried!

In all the companies I've been at, we use good ol' Google Suite or Microsoft.

If you try to use Canva or something fancy, you're just introducing yet ANOTHER tool for people to get used to. Stick with what your team uses (or adapt my template sections to yours).

2. Regarding the use of GenerativeAI tools to create a study plan.

Can you? Yes.

Should you? It depends.


  • brainstorm follow-up research questions or areas you may be missing with your main questions set
  • brainstorm methodologies, sample criteria
  • draft a discussion guide


  • write your background; though it can refine your sentences and make it more succinct
  • know what research questions you should ask
  • doesn't know what success metrics your team wants
  • know DACI
  • know your timeline

If you haven't gathered any of the objectives, questions, or any of that, do your kickoff alignment meeting first.

Drafting a study plan does not take that long to begin with. You might spend more time prompting ChatGPT or Gemini when you could've been filling in the study plan sections anyway. Besides, since you should treat the first draft as a draft, you're going to be updating it anyway.

You can literally fill in these sections in less than 20 minutes (given you have done an alignment meeting):

  • Background (copy and paste from your product team's vision/PRD)
  • Objectives
  • Research questions
  • Success metrics
  • DACI (~1 minute)
  • Timeline (~like 20 seconds)

The remaining sections:

  • Methodology
  • Sample, sample size
  • Discussion Guide

may take extra time, but I honestly don't see AI really helping with the study plan phase. It's GREAT for supporting data analysis, but the study plan, I highly recommend, to do yourself.

If everybody wants, let me know and I can expand on this in a video lesson. Or, let me know how GenAI has helped or hasn't helped you with study planning!

Cheers, mad love!


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